Critical Reflection

When the timetable for the second trimester came out, my first impressions about the effective communications module was that it would just be a waste of time. However, after the 13 weeks of lessons, I could see the benefits it would bring for me as a student and also in the future when I enter the workforce. 

One of the first lessons that was conducted was the writing of formal letter. It felt a lot more applicable to me now that I am in university whereby emailing professors are much more frequent as compared to back when I was in polytechnic. 

Another memorable lesson because of how heavily it was emphasized would be the paraphrasing, summarizing, citing sources and avoiding plagiarism which is applicable whenever there is writing for academic or technical purpose that requires secondary research from credible sources. Similarly, the application of the APA style in all the assignments such as the technical report writing and the design summary and analysis was heavily emphasised.

I found peer evaluation particularly effective as you get to hear feedback and opinions from your peers and make improvements. It made me realise that I have a habit of constantly looking back at the screen during presentation. Additionally, I found that giving others feedback helps me to discover what I might have missed out and also what I can improve on. 

My main takeaway from the group project was the importance of teamwork. For this group project, it involved working with course mates I have never interacted with. To maximise everyone’s potential, it was important to discover each other strength and weakness and assign roles accordingly. Each member brings a different insight to the table. Listening carefully to each other and giving positive feedback is important as it encourages everyone to express their opinion and idea more freely.

In conclusion, this module has definitely helped me to improve on my writing and presentation skills. With the feedback and evaluation I have received, I will continue to work hard to improve on these skills which will surely benefit me in whatever task lies ahead.


  1. Hi Yong Wei,

    Interesting insights.


  2. Thank you, Yong Wei, for this detailed and well focused critical reflection. It's a clear and concise analysis in review of some of your learning experiences in the module, including reactions to your writing skills development, to the use of peer feedback and to your project teamwork. I appreciate your positive experience and the overall fluency of this post.

    I also appreciate your hard work in the modiule throughout the term, especially with the very fine project that you were part of. Finally, it's heartening to know that you feel that you have acheived your learning goals.

    Best wishes as you continue your learning journey!



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